Monday, October 15, 2012

A feeling which I'd forgotten and yet it's coming back.

It's been a while since I had this feeling. It's a feeling of losing something, a little stinging inside. Never anyone or anything made me feel like this for some time. Although it's not something which feel nice but it was a good experience. It made me understand being beautiful on the outside it's not a big deal but what's important is the inside. How much I value myself or how much attention I gave to matters on that day? I nearly forgotten about this but thankfully I still did my job well pretending nothing matters. I'm such a good liar but no matter how much i lied, my face still shows my true feelings.

Once again I was too focused on myself, that's why I was disappointed. It was a good reminder that I shouldn't be like this. Thank you. I do hope for something to happened at first but it didn't. Hahaha, how naive I am. I'm full of imagination. Please learn this lesson well. Let your heart be at ease.

Actually I wasn't this emotional but the music played on my computer makes me want to write up. It's really been a while......hehe. All these years, nothing happened. Such calm years. Thank you for giving me this feeling. It stings but it's part of life. It's part of me. Even though I don't have no one to share this but this place is helping me. It's not something I want to share out too. Thank you and thank you. Thank you for meeting you and thank you for giving me this feeling.

Writing here makes me feel better! THANK YOU!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Too much curiosity.

I didn't know that one's curiosity could lead one into a black hole. All the while in my brain, curiosity can bring you success. Just like Albert Einstein. But it seems I misunderstood it. I didn't know it could bring me to meet with Mr-Unhappy. There are many types of people in this world. Some they are open-minded, they can tell you everything about them. But some like to keep it personal. Maybe I'm the type of "open person", therefore I treat others like that. As a result, it's not them being introvert but it's about respecting other people's privacy. Recently I find myself being stuck in people's gossips (which I dislike it so much). I kept wondering why am I so miserable. The answer is I made myself miserable. I attract the gossips and make myself so miserable. Thanks to my conscience and friends who told me the truth. Or else, I would be still inside the noisy room. Today is a happy day because I found my weakness and able throw it off before it lay eggs inside my heart. kekeke... BANZAI !!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


What is the meaning of assumption? I've checked dictionary it means to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit: to assume that everyone wants peace and another explanation is arrogance; presumption. My story begins with one word, assumption. Many unwanted or unhappy incidents happened because of this word but of course some good things happened because of this word too. Mine wasn't very positive. These past weeks, things doesn't goes like it used to be. Some say it's war, some say it's protecting justice and bla bla bla. To me, it's just miss communication and everyone is assuming it should be like this. Everyone is not being honest and wore masks. I am so tired to be playing pretending everyday. And yet I believe they are tired too. They have to play the same game we are playing. Isn't this magical? We are doing the same thing that we dislike to do. It is because we want to protect our assumptions. Our arrogance. We do no like to be look down on. We need to protect our PRIDE (which we don't even know what it means). haihs.... Is that so important? Is it so important until we can break a friendship? This question really cracks my head. If it was me, I would definitely do what I need to do instead of hurting somebody. Did I say things too harshly? I am just here to express my feelings. Things are not going on the right track. I sincerely wish they can live happily, so everything will be alright again. This is only my first story and I'll be back for another tomorrow. Good night.